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The Men's Bible Reading Idea

Good men, what follows is intended to be a bit of help as we read and re-read Acts 1 this month. Below is verse one. Below that is hopefully some help in seeing the what Luke was trying to say.

"In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach," Acts 1:1

"The first book": The first book is the Gospel of Luke. It's introduction (Luke 1:1-4) is much like the introduction to Acts. Luke and Acts, both written by Luke, are one seamless story.

"Theophilus": His name means, dear to God. Luke is writing to tell Theophilus about Jesus. This is significant because Luke is following the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) to communicate the life and teaching of Jesus to another person.

"I have dealt with": This is a mark of a mature Christian to thoroughly deal with (or attend to, or take necessary action regarding) the life and teaching of our Savior.

"All that Jesus began to do and teach": These eight words cover a lot of ground. But there is a lot of ground to cover to really teach someone about Jesus.

We too are Theophilus. We are dear to God. Let us dig deep this month into a very, very good chapter.

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